The Baby Elephant

This is a story about a baby elephant. The baby elephant is not happy. He says, “I don’t like to work at the circus. I don’t want to work at the circus. I want to run away”.  So he runs away. He comes to a forest and sees a brown bear. He says to the brown bear, “I want to live with you in the forest”.
 “Ok”, says the brown bear. “But you must get ready for the winter. You must find a hole».
The baby elephant doesn’t like to work.  So he goes away. He walks and walks. Then he sees a squirrel and says to him, “I want to live with you”.
“OK”, says the squirrel. “ But you must get ready for  the winter. You must get nuts.
But the baby elephant says, “I don’t want to get ready for the winter.  I don’t want to live in the forest. I want to go home. And the baby elephant goes back to the circus.